No they don’t.
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For pornstars sex is work. When the sex is over it’s time to go home. Many of them, especially if they are on receiving end of anal sex, haven’t eaten anything all day. Therefore, they want to be out of the filming location and want to huddle up at a comfortable place of their choice with their favourite meal.
For some other pornstars, the day is not over yet. If they are producers too, they have to go through post-production process, do it themselves or constantly oversee it. Yet some other have more scenes lined up either at same location or somewhere else where they have to rush to and demonstrate same unnatural sex-positions for the camera for hours over and over again.
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Sex in front of a camera is exhausting and physically more demanding than sex in real life. After 10 to 14 hours of preparation, make up and shooting many pornstars have little to no energy left to actually have sex in a group setting which is physically more demanding than a one-on-on session.
In very few instances, when pornstars are in no rush and they are into each other one-on-one sex continues after official filming is over. And it is not the same as what you’d expect. It is slow, romantic and in most cases not watchable. I have seen real people have sex when they were not courteous enough to make their situation more private. All you see is two bodies mingled with each other without actually seeing any real sex. Post-recording sex is just like that in most cases.